Leopard / Lp

Leopard is a gene that stands for leopard spotting, also known as rosettes.
Marking rules
- The spots should always be darker than the color they sit on top of. Both the inside of the spots, and outer ring.
- The contrast between inner spot and outer ring needs to be clear, outer ring being clearly darker.
- Markings color must be similar with basecolors saturation value. The color can be picked from the basecolor slider or natural color slider.
- Leopard spots can sit anywhere on the body, and don't have placing restrictions.
Spots can cover up to 90% of the body. Original basecolor must be visible under the spots. - At minimum there must be at least 5 leopard spots on the body.
- When combined with Recolor, both outer ring and inner spot can be recolored, but you can also choose to recolor either one. If both parts are recolored, they must still remain same hue (meaning, no green and orange together for example)
Marking edge
Leopard spots can have 1 edge type iboth inner spot and outer ring
Leopard spots are solid, meaning can't have holes inside them. Exception! The outer ring and inner spot can have slight gap between them, showing through color under them. These gaps shouldn't be too large, see example below. Leopard spots can't have complex edges.
Below you'll see examples of acceptable and faulty leopard spots. The outer ring of the spot should always be broken into minimum of two parts, but cannot be so broken that it resembles spots more than ring. The outer ring needs to sit nicely on top of the inner spot, but it can also move slightly out of place. Only slightly, it cannot travel too far from the inner spot.

Accepted examples
Real life examples
These examples represents what the marking is based on. Please keep the marking rules in mind when designing, and don't rely too heavily on real life markings carrying the same name. These examples can work as an inspiration, not direct references.
Reference sources:
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leopard_%28Panthera_pardus%29_male_walking_on_the_road_..._%2850148578263%29.jpg
- https://www.wallpaperflare.com/brown-and-black-leopard-textile-leopard-skin-spots-design-wallpaper-zjfce
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/ekilby/39852328000