Merchants Cove

The game has two currencies: Silver coins and Gold coins. Silver is most commonly used, Gold being highly valuable and more rare. When buying items, you can either choose to pay with silver or gold, or a mix of both.

But the merchants of Sagittari isles are very stingy with their gold... when selling, you only get the silver amount back, unless you are a level 3 Merchant in your profession or share a village with one.
The currency exchange rate is 50 Silver coins = 1 Gold coin.

You can also buy items for a friend. Then you need to mention that in the forms "bank" section, marking their bank name in addition to making the banker know you are buying for them as a gift. 

For complete list of all in-game items, what they do, their bonuses, where they can be found and
their in-game money value, check item glossary!

>Reply here to BUY items<

Import: (If you have a centaur who has shop bonuses, link them here)
Village proof: (If the centaur linked above is part of village with shop bonus, link the proof here)
Items bought: (Clear list of items and their amounts)
Total: (Total amount of Silver and/or Gold coins this purchase takes)
Bank: (Your bank name)

>Reply here to CHANGE CURRENCY<

Changing from: ( Amount of Silver/Gold)
To: (Amount of Silver/Gold)
Bank: (Your bank name)

>Reply here to SELL items<

Import: (If you have a centaur who has shop bonuses, link them here)
Village proof: (If the centaur linked above is part of village with shop bonus, link the proof here)
Items sold: (Clear list of items and their amounts)
Total: (Total amount of Silver coins from these sold items)
Bank: (Your bank name)

>Reply here to TRANSFER items to another player<

Bank: (Your bank)
Items to give: (Clear list of items and amounts)
Receiver's bank: (Who are you giving the items to) 

>Open a Treasure Chest<

Some activities and rank ups give Treasure Chests! Open them through the link.There's currently 4 different kind of chests: Traits, Breeding, Customization and Equipment. The chests can either contain full items, money, or crafting ingredients for the items belonging to that category.

The Body Build modifier 

200 SC / 4 GC 


200 SC / 4 GC 


200 SC / 4 GC 


200 SC / 4 GC 


200 SC / 4 GC


200 SC / 4 GC

Fertility Spell

Increases chances of
successful breeding with 50%.

500 SC / 10 GC

Miracle of Life 

Guarantees successful breeding no matter of parents ranks. Single time use item. Breedings need to be unlocked.

1000 SC / 20 GC 

Gift of Siblings 

Guaranteed twins if breeding
is successful. Doesn't guarantee or increase breeding success.

1000 SC / 20 GC 

Healing Potion

Replaces healing entry.

500 SC / 10 GC


200 SC / 4 GC 

Body Paints

200 SC / 4 GC 


200 SC / 4 GC 

Wooden Shield 

+1 To centaurs Defense

200 SC / 4 GC 


+1 To centaurs Stamina

200 SC / 4 GC 

Wooden Weapon 

+1 To centaurs Strength

200 SC / 4 GC 

Crafting Material Crate S

Gives 3 random common
crafting materials.
30% Chance for 1 x  uncommon item.

300 SC / 6 GC

Crafting Material Crate M

Gives 5 random common
crafting materials.
50% Chance for 1 x uncommon item. 

800 SC / 16 GC

Crafting Material Crate L

Gives 7 random common
crafting materials.
30% Chance for 1 x rare item. 

1500 SC / 30 GC