
There are all these signs around us... what are they trying to tell us?

Research is a special activity where you can affect on when new stuff comes into the game. The Research activity has changing special prompts which go hand-in-hand with events of the game.

When the research's required Point amount is reached, the feature will be brought into the game!

1 x Research Activity Roll = 1 x Research point 
More points can be earned with: 
Master Researcher -Trait: +3 points
Researcher -Profession: +1-3 Points

Research isn't a competition on who collects the most points and how fast, and there won't be special prizes for those who collect the most points. Researches are collective effort from you as a community. 

There is no max amount on how many time one player can complete Research prompts.

Centaurs unlock Researching at Commoner rank!

The following requirements need to be fulfilled in your Research activity
to be eligible for loot:

  • Fullbody presentation of your centaur, with colors, shading and complex background.


  • 800 wordcount literature for one activity participating centaur, with most of the literatures wordcount focusing on the activity itself.
    If more centaurs are present, each centaur adds +400 words to the needed wordcount.
    Example: 3 activity rolls in literature with two extra centaurs is 800 + 400 + 400 = 1600 words.
  • Comic researches must feature at least one fullbody frame of the activity roll receiving centaur, and the comics focus needs to clearly be on researching.

The Research entry needs to clearly represent the chosen Research prompt  in the activity form.

There can be a MAX of 4 activity participating centaurs that can roll for loot in one piece, 5 if a centaur with Guide -trait is present
If there are more than 4 centaurs, all after the first 4 can only get EXP, not loot.

Research entries are rolled for rewards the same way as other activities.
>Proceed to Loot Redeeming journal<
Remember that loot can be claimed AFTER your activity entry has been accepted to the group!

There isn't currently minimum artwork size for activity entries. The participating centaurs however need to be properly recognizable, and follow simplicity rules presented in EXP guide. If admins cannot recognize the centaurs or they appear too simplistic due small size, the loot roll can be denied. 

Beholders Eyes

Unlocks to game:
Eye related cosmetic items

> Glowing eyes applicator
         Lets you add glow to eye iris alone, sclera alone, pupil alone or the whole eyeball.
Applied after design approval through customization 

> Eye Editor 
       Item that lets you do following edits to your centaurs eyes for design approval or after design approval as customization:
       - Completely remove the eye iris and pupil, leaving the sclera color only visible
       - Color the eyes pupil with totally different color than what the iris is
       - Lets you color centaurs sclera with any color of the color wheel
       - Change eye color from already approved centaur, without the need of full import redo item

Prompts and their rewards

(Hint! These prompt rewards include items that will be used in crafting recipes for Glowing Eyes Applicator and Eye Editor!)

Itchy Eyes

Your eyes have been feeling extra itchy for a while now. When you look into the mirror, you can't help but think that color of your pupil or eyeball has changed?

Picture how does your centaur react to such eye problem on themselves? Are they looking for ways to relieve the symptoms, just deal with it, looking for cure, or researching causes behind it?

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1 x Dandelion
- 1 x Amulet
- 1 x Healing Potion
1 x Uniquer customization item

All things glowy

Days are getting darker as we get closer to winter. But the nature has lot to offer to bring light into your home.

Picture your centaur collecting, gathering or capturing all things glowing from nature: glowing mushrooms, flowers, crystals, fireflies. These glowing natural things can be fantastical in nature, but look like something your centaur found from nature.

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1 x Celestial Goldfish
- 1 x Lupine
- 1 x Healing Potion
1 x Decorations customization item

Momentary blindness

You wake up one day to realize that you cannot see anything! The reason for this is unknown, but this seems to happen all around the isle to many Sagians. Typically centaurs get their vision back by the next day. 

Picture how does your centaur react to this sudden temporary blindness.

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1 x Frozen Book
- 1 x Lichen
- 1 x Healing Potion
- 1 x Scar customization item


Unlocks to game:
Alchemy is a new, more challenging cousin of crafting. Alchemy requires you to find a special recipe scroll from Activities, the scrolls being rare loot drops. Alchemy recipes offer rare craftables, such as "Import Pose Changer", "Mismatch Grande" (Cosmetic use of any imports tail type) or "SURPRISE!" ( completely randomizes offsprings centaur type) and many other exciting goodies.

Prompts and their rewards

Mad scientist

You have gotten the idea of trying to mix your own potions. How hard can it be anyway? Just throw some stuff together and get your neighbor as the test taster.

Picture your centaur practicing potion crafting. The entry can be either preparation for the crafting, the crafting work in progress, or the aftermath. In preparation or aftermath phase it must be clear in the entry that crafting or alchemy kind of activity has happened. 

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1+ Intelligence stat point
- 1 x Frozen Frog
- 1 x Bottled Fog
- 1 x Water hemlock

Sharing is caring 

Have you heard of the isles renowned collector Malakhi? A rumor reaches your ear that he has found a scroll containing a solution to a problem you have in your life. You must get this scroll, by any means. 

Picture your centaur going after that scroll. They can either try haggle with Malakhi to buy it, steal it by force, or use other tactics to gain this mysterious scroll.

This entry must showcase S-022 - Malakhi in at least half body range in art, or supporting role in literature.

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1+ Charisma stat point
- 1 x Gold Nugget
1 x Fabric
- 1 x Owl feathers

Mystery Potion

You have found a sealed potion bottle without a label. Wisest thing would be to take it to some professional, but curiosity wins you over.

You decide to take a sip of that mystery potion. 

Picture what happens next! What does this potion do to your centaur? 

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1+ Defense stat point
- 1 x Frozen Book
- 1 x Bucketful of water
- 1 x Empty Bottle

Isle of Capricornus

Unlocks to game:
Caprine centaur type, featuring sheep / goat like centaurs.

Prompts and their rewards

Mountain climber

You have been presented with a challenge. By who? You aren't sure, some small guy with curvy horns who claims to be a master at it. You are challenged to climb a steep, rocky mountainside as quickly as possible. Safety not guaranteed.

Picture your centaur mountain climbing on some challenging mountain terrains.

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:
- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1+ Strength stat point
- 1 x Nice lil rock
1 x Simple Helmet
- 1 x Broken Ceramics

Wooly business

There has been a mysterious merchant selling the softest wool you have ever felt! That inspires you to try your hands at making something from that wool.

Picture your centaur handling wool or creating something with it. It can be spinning the wool into yarn, knitting with wool yarn, needle felting, or using the wool on other more-or-less creative handicrafts.

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:  

- 50 SC
- 200 SC
- 1 x Crafty Tools
- 1+ Speed stat point
- 1 x Gambeson
- 1 x Comb 

Headbutt fight!

You've been challenged into a fight by a stocky fella. They seem to have a goat-like body with large curved ram horns. And their style of fighting seems to be ramming head first into you. 

Picture your centaur fighting against a goat centaur NPC of your own creation. 

Participation rewards
2 x Randomly rolled items from following list:  

- 50 SC
- 200 SC 
- 1 x Bottled Blood
- 1+ Stamina stat point
- 1 x Wooden Shield
- 1 x Meat

The Storyteller

You are at a Crossroads. Either literally, or figuratively. Right between these roads you see a looming figure, The Storyteller. But don't be scared, they invite you to sit down with them. Share you thoughts with them, heartaches, worries, joys, they will listen. But don't get aggressive with them, you don't know what they are hiding under all those robes.

Picture your centaur meeting with the mysterious Storyteller.
This prompt doesn't have any further instructions. The meeting can go however your centaur would react to Storyteller.

This prompt must include the Storyteller in at least a majorly supporting role for literature or at least as a halfbody for art. You do not need to faithfully draw all Storytellers details, but the character must still remain recognizable.

If you however picture the Storyteller in fullbody, including all the details in their design faithfully, centaurs owned by the artist will all receive Complex Character Element +3 exp bonus. (This doesn't include literatures unfortunately!)

Participation rewards
1 x Common loot item
1 x Uncommon loot item
Small chance to drop 1 x Randomly rolled rare loot item

These rewards are rolled randomly from all Common, uncommon and rare loot items found from the game.