General Design Guide
Marking visibility
All markings your centaurs have should be visible on the design, unless covered by other marking. You cannot pick and choose which markings to display and which not. If a marking is completely hidden under other markings, mention that in Design Notes during design approve stage.
Even on "all white" cases, where the centaur gets a White basecoat and white-only markings, the markings should still be displayed on the design and be recognizible.
Prohibited elements in Sagittari designs
- Real life religious symbols cannot be displayed in centaur designs. Not through markings or customizations.
- In general logos, symbols and memes are not allowed in centaur designs. Some markings might have limited exceptions to this, like Tribal.
" This similar design has passed in the past,
so why didn't my design pass now?"
As a fairly new game still, Sagittari's genetics, marking rules, customization rules and other game mechanics can still go through changes. As the game rolls onward and we see what works and what doesn't, rules might change. Taking inspiration and checking old designs is accepted, but we cannot guarantee new designs to pass with similar looks as old designs.
Marking edges explained
Every marking sits bit differently on the centaurs body. In the marking guides you are going to see marking edge rules. These rules tell you how to depict the gene on your centaur.
Marking EDGES
Sharp - Marking needs to have sharp edges throughout it's visible design. No any blurring or softness allowed.
Textured - The markings edges can be made with textured brushed. The marking needs to follow it's guides on how solid it needs to be otherwise. The texture needs to look natural, and not i.e. leaf brush.
Soft - The markings edge needs to be soft/blurred, and no sharp points are allowed.
Blended - Blended marking doesn't have a clear edge. But the markings color needs to clearly sit inside the allowed marking range.
Marking edge EFFECTS
Halo - Halo is an effect that can be combined with sharp, textured and soft edges, but is most commonly seen with sharp edged markings. It creates a slightly transparent halo effect around the markings edges. The halo needs to follow the color rules and the markings edges.
Sharp-edge marking cannot have a blurred halo.
Fade - Fade is an effect that can be combined with every marking edge. It cannot be mixed with Halo.
It allows you to "fade away" the marking.

Marking Ranges
Each marking has it's designated ranges and areas where it can be displayed in the centaurs body. The marking ranges have the max area or expression, as well as the minimum.
The orange area in marking ranges is the minimum area where the marking needs to be visible, and this orange area needs to be filled in by the marking. Some markings have exceptions to this, and those have it always mentioned on the marking page.
Remember to read the marking rules! Some markings may have special rules or guides on them, and they are explained on the marking's rules.
All marking ranges can be found from a drive folder HERE !

Upper torso's color difference
The upper torso is covered in coat just as the lower torso, but it's typically much shorter and finer. It can show through the centaur skin color.
You can adjust the upper torso to be slightly darker or lighter than the lower torso's base color.
The lower torso must display the accurate basecolor stated in the genotype, while the upper torso can differ from the basecolor sliders due the tone change. This tone change should never be so drastic to be confused with other basecolor. The brightness difference cannot be too drastic either, and color tone and saturation cannot be significantly altered.
You can also leave the upper torso to be same color as the lower torso.

Nuances & Finishing touches
Nuances are optional subtle details that bring your design to life. They must always remain subtle and sit naturally with rest of the design. Below you will see an example centaur with the possible nuances. Nuances should never be too strong or to be similar with markings or body customization paints.
Generally, shading your import is not allowed unless your centaur has Satin. That can make your centaur look like they have the Satin gene. Some small shading can be let through if it doesn't disturb the design itself, but it is highly unrecommended.

* Hair shine needs to remind very small and subtle. Only with Satin gene present you can color in your centaurs hair glossy and shiny
* If Natural Black is used, it must follow Natural Blacks written rules.
To make your centaur design really pop out from the background, you can put slight glow, drop shadow or border around them. Remember that they need to be subtle, and not too strong or overpowering. Below you will see some acceptable examples.

Below are examples of borders that will get your design denied. Border is too thick, bright and overpowering. Drop shadow is too extreme and strong. Outer glow, stroke or any other border type cannot be overly saturated.