Skeleton / Ske

Cold Black - Cold White
Skeleton is a marking that shows markings mimicking skeletal structure and bones.
Marking rules
- Skeleton has no layering rules and can sit over or under anything.
- Skeleton can be darker or lighter than the base color. Markings color must be similar with basecolors saturation value. The color can be picked from the basecolor slider or natural color slider.
- Skeleton has an exception where the marking can be presented as pure white, despite the basecolor.
- At minimum skeleton must show markings resembling at least 2 bones. They can be individual ribs, vertebrae, radius or femur bones, your choise.
Please point out what bone and where this minimum is! - There isn't currently maximum rule on expressing Skeleton. If you so wish, you can picture every bone in centaurs body. But it is recommended to consider how challenging the pattern is to recreate and draw.
- Skeleton markings can be simplified and stylized, no anatomical accuracy is required. Only requirement is that it can be recognized to reference centaurs skeletal structure underneath.
Skeleton bones cannot have strongly anatomically incorrect placement in the design (like ribcage on face, pelvis on chest, etc)

This marking doesn't have set ranges!
Marking edge
Skeleton patterns can be solid, and they can have holes inside them. They can't have complex edges
Accepted examples